Brackets for the car roof
SKU: Brackets for the car roofBrackets for the car roof

Car railing holders
SKU: Car railing holdersCar railing holders

Holders for adjusting the angle of the lightbar
SKU: Holders for adjusting the angle of the lightbarHolders for adjusting the angle of the lightbar

Magnetic holder for minilightbar (max. 60cm)
SKU: Magnetic holder for minilightbar (max. 60cm)Magnetic holder for minilightbar (max. 60cm)

Magnetic holder for the lightbar
SKU: Magnetic holder for the lightbarMagnetic holder for the lightbar

Roof connector 4 or 8pcs PINS
SKU: Roof connector 4 or 8pcs PINSRoof connector 4 or 8pcs PINS

Vacuum holder with suction cups
SKU: Vacuum holder with suction cupsVacuum holder with suction cups

Holders for adjusting the angle of the lightbar
Holders for adjusting the angle of the lightbar

Magnetic holder for minilightbar (max. 60cm)
Magnetic holder for minilightbar (max. 60cm)

Magnetic holder for the lightbar
Magnetic holder for the lightbar

Vacuum holder with suction cups
Vacuum holder with suction cups